The biggest payoff on the Disney – Fox Deal is Doctor Doom

Dr. Doom
Doctor Doom of the Fantastic Four

By now we are all aware that Disney is in talks with Fox to acquire its studio and television assets. Many people are excited about the fact that the X-Men will now be in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but I am more excited for the appearance of Doctor Doom.

Just who is Doctor Doom?

Victor von Doom was tortured in his early life when Mephisto killed his mother. His father died soon after that. Doom was so obsessed with the thought of saving his mother that he studied science and magic to beat Mephisto.   Reed Richards and Ben Grimm met Doom while at State University. Doom ignored a warning from Reed Richards out of arrogance and his face was scarred after the project exploded during a trial. Doctor Doom returned to Latveria, scarred and embarassed, determined to attain the power he truly wanted.

Doom in the Cinematic World

If I had to choose the biggest misstep in 21st Century Fox’s portrayal of the Marvel Characters it would Doctor Doom. The reason for this very simple. Movies play to specific archetypes in order to establish a sense of comfort with the audience. For instance, the villains in comic book movies tend to move towards an over the top, spectacle of a campaign to cause destruction. There are some exceptions to the rule, but you can almost tell when a writer or director has no idea of who the character is when you see this representation.

Doom is not an over the top cackling fool who cracks jokes and fawns over a woman. Doom simply wants power and believes he is superior to all who appears before him.

Portraying Doctor Doom with Respect

Doctor Doom is as much a Marvel villain as he is a Fantastic Four Villain. Consider that Doctor Doom:

  1. rules Latveria.
  2. Is rivaled only by Reed Richards in terms of intelligence.
  3. Has been considered for the title of Sorcerer Supreme.
  4. Has Diplomatic Immunity.
  5. Comparatively has similar results as a ruler like the Black Panther.
  6. Is able to go toe to toe with the strongest in the Marvel Universe.

It is clear to see that depictions of Doom as a rich business tycoon or lab assistant bent on destruction because of a broken heart is insulting. This is not to say by any means that the movies have must portray Doom exactly like the comics, but there is much more that can be done.

How Marvel should introduce Doom

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is an established world with known characters and sub-characters that we understand as an audience. This makes it very easy to introduce Doctor Doom into this world. The way I would approach it is through the Black Panther.

King T’Challa will meet the new ruler of Latveria, Victor Von Doom, as both would have a seat in the United Nations. Doom would realize that the magical artifact he seeks is currently sitting in Wakanda. T’Challa of course would forbid anyone from just coming onto his land and so eventually Black Panther would square off against what he believes to be Doctor Doom. Black Panther would win but discovers what he was fighting was nothing more than a Doom Bot, orchestrated to learn more about the land and vulnerabilities. Doom stole what he needed from the Black Panther during the battle.

This movie ends with the introduction of the Fantastic Four as T’Challa expresses a set back in scientific discovery with his science team who just happens to be collaborating their United States counterparts who resides in the Baxter Building.

I will be excited to see Disney acquire Fox Studios and happier to see Doctor Doom in the MCU. It would be about time!